Behind the Fog

Behind the Fog

“It is not the clear-sighted who rule the world. Great achievements are accomplished in a blessed, warm fog.” ~Joseph Conrad

It’s a rare foggy day here in Toronto.

From my fourth-floor balcony, I can see the building across the street, but not a single spire from the downtown core of the city just a few blocks from my home.

I know the skyline well, though I cannot see it at this moment.

Skyscrapers abound; I know because I’ve seen them.

But not today. Today, the city skyline is obscured from view and with it, the sun.

Doesn’t mean it isn’t there, only that it isn’t visible at this moment.

I believe the fog will lift, revealing what I’ve seen before and know to be there.

Such is the nature of trust.

A critical ingredient for all of us, and especially our leaders.

They must make decisions in an increasingly foggy world, as must we all.

Fog is temporary.

But trust can permeate and dispel it.

Indeed, it’s the only choice that does.




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Cynthia Barlow

Founder Cynthia Barlow

Facilitator, Author, Coach

Helping businesses build their people

When your people have the skills to communicate more effectively, they can connect more easily and collaborate more productively. Not only on the job, but also in life.

Communication, Connection, and Collaboration—the three “C’s”—are the cornerstones of all successful businesses. They are the result of Emotional Intelligence in action.

More details can be found in my recent best seller with co-author Jennifer Eggers:
Resilience: It’s Not About Bouncing Back

The power of resilience within organizations can transform an average company into a powerhouse. Yet, even in times of rapid disruptive change, there is no manual for building resilient organizations. This book is that manual.

“If you  want to build more resilience intentionally—personally and professionally—read this book.
Fran Karamousis, Chief  of Research, Gartner


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